Court Disputes over Inheritance in Spain

Objectives and necessity of a court claim over inheritance distribution in Spain

In Spain the main objective of a court claim over inheritance is to ensure that the distribution of the deceased person’s assets among the heirs be regulated in a legally binding manner. Filing such a claim may be particularly relevant when the heirs cannot agree on how the estate should be distributed or when a transparent and fair allocation of the estate’s assets is desired.

What you Should Know about Spanish Inheritance Claims

How is the Value of the Estate Determined?

If one of the heirs refuses to cooperate while an inventory of the estate is being drafted, the other party or parties may request a court to draw up such an inventory, which must contain all the assets and liabilities of the estate. In this event all parties involved, i.e., heirs, persons entitled to a compulsory portion, the surviving spouse, and creditors, are given the opportunity to state their views. If one party disagrees with the inventory, the proceedings will be interrupted, and a legal dispute will be initiated, during which the final decision on the accuracy of the estate inventory will be made by a judge.


How is the Value of Real Estate Determined?

Once the inventory of the estate has been finalised, the court appoints an expert to determine the value of the property. Additionally, an administrator is appointed with the task of preparing the distribution of the estate in accordance with the official ruling over the inheritance shares.


Can an Appeal be Made Against a Planned Distribution?

Once the estate inventory has been compiled and the value of the assets has been assessed, all parties have ten days to object to the proposed distribution. If an appeal is lodged, further litigation will be initiated with a view to resolving this dispute.


How is the Estate Divided?

Once the third stage has been completed ‒ either by mutual agreement or by court judgement ‒ the actual distribution of the assets will be conducted. In such a case, an heir might receive an entire property in Spain but would need to compensate the other heirs or persons entitled to a compulsory portion accordingly.


Att. Dr. Jacinto Soler-Padró
Your specialist for inheritance law

Tel.: +49 (0)172 / 923 1838

Settling an estate in Spain can be complex and demanding. There are a number of legal and administrative hurdles that need to be overcome. We can help you further.

Overview Topics Spain

Your specialist for inheritance law

Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Dr. Lang & Kollegen


Att. Dr. Jacinto Soler-Padró

  • Lawyer and economist
  • auditor
  • founding member of the German-Spanish Lawyers' Association
  • co-operation partner of the law firm
  • Languages: Spanish, German, English
  • Registered office: Barcelona
  • Location: Barcelona and Mallorca
  • Tel.: +49 (0)172 / 923 1838

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